
"Your record of engineering
achievement in war is unsurpassed, and the Corps of Royal
Engineers is proud to have been associated with you in it. In
technique and equipment you have often given a lead which we
have gladly and confidently followed".
Brigadier General B.C. Davey, Chief Engineer, Eighth Army
"From small beginnings you have
formed and equipped a Corps of no mean size, and what is more,
of superlative quality. Nobody who has ever been in contacts
with their work has anything but praise for the energetic and
skillful way in which South African Engineering Units have
surmounted difficulties and tackled engineering jobs of all
shapes and sizes".
Major General J.B.W. Hughes, Engineer-in-Chief, Middle East
The Birth and Background of the South African
Army Engineer Corps
Birth of the SA Military Engineer
From the moment that man devised the
means of providing himself with artificial protection to his
person, and further, created engines for the purpose of hurling
destruction on his enemy, he became to that extent an Engineer.
As time went on, he found that in
addition to these primary wants, there were others equally
necessary, but more difficult to attain, such as the formation
of roads, the bridging of rivers, and the protection of the
clusters of houses in which he and his neighbors dwelt.
The provision of all these things
demanded the exercise of an inventive and construction genius.
Thus the science of the Engineer, rude indeed and inchoate, but
still quite distinct from and superior to the mere fighting
duties of the soldier, forced its way as a necessity of military
It was long, however, before there
was any attempt to sever the engineer training of the soldier
from the other more normal branches of his occupation. In the
armies of old, every man was more or less an engineer. He
constructed his own roads and bridges, he fortified his own
camps and further, he prepared and worked his offensive engines
of war - catapults, battering rams and the like.
Ample evidence of this is found all
over Britain and Europe in the form of roads, blockhouses and
walls combined with forts such as Hadrian's Wall across the
north of England to keep out the marauding Scots. Even in China,
the Great Wall of China was built to keep out the ravaging
The engineer carried out all these
tasks in addition to the actual fighting which in later times
was looked upon as the sole legitimate function of the infantry
or cavalry soldier.
Corps of the Royal Engineers
As the SA Army Engineer Corps
developed out of the Corps of Royal Engineers, it is necessary
to give a little background of the growth of the Royal Engineers
up to the time when the South African Army Engineer Corps was
When in 1066 William the Conqueror
invaded Britain, he brought with him his own engineers headed by
an officer known as "Ingeniator". Engineer stems from the
Latin word "ingenarius" and originally meant "a person skilled
in the art of constructing defenses, a gifted person or perhaps
a genius", or "Genie" by the French and the Afrikaans
interpretation. At that stage, the term was only applicable to
officers and there were no regular soldier engineers until much
later. From early in the 16th century we find the Engineer
identified with the field operations of any army. His title
itself changing in accordance with the division of duties. The
original term "Engineer" seems to have been considered hardly
sufficiently martial to represent their military duties. The new
term "Pioneers" was used to name the new Corps which was formed
expressly for work in camp or field. The Pioneers fulfilled much
the same duties in the field as now fall to the lot of the men
of the Engineers, but to a humbler degree.
With the development of the technique
of war and particularly the necessity for the employment of
artisans such as carpenters, bricklayers and masons, etc who
were urgently required particularly for fortifications, a new
body of men was engaged, known as the Corps of Military
Artificers. After years of valuable service supporting the armed
forces in the field, this Corps of Military Artificers was
eventually absorbed into the Corps of Sappers and Miners.
The Corps of Sappers and Miners had
been formed when the nature of warfare had changed, requiring an
art to be developed. With the development of the bastioned
fortress in the latter part of the 17th century, it became clear
that the role of the military engineer was to plan and build
such defences, but it was also his responsibility to assist the
attacking force in gaining entry into the fortress and thus
conquering the defenders. This entailed an elaborate system of
earthworks comprising trenches giving cover to the attacking
force. Specially trained men called "sappers" dug slowly ahead
shielded by gabions. In many cases, it was necessary to tunnel
the final approach to the external wall and, if necessary the
wall had to be mined . The term "sapper" is derived from the
word "sap" or "to sap" which means to work in the open face of a
trench in order to lengthen it or to form a tunnel.
Early in the 19th century the School
of Military Engineering was established at Chatham, England, to
give instructions to officers and men in the duties of sapping
and mining and other military field works.
In 1856, the Corps of Royal Sappers
and Miners was renamed the Corps of Royal Engineers. Previously,
only officers were members of the Corps of Engineers and the
separation of the officers and men into two distinct corps under
separate titles was an anomaly which was prejudicial to the
discipline and harmony of the service. As a result of the
change, the rank and file were no longer termed privates but
SA Army Engineer
The SA Army Engineer Corps is
directly descended from the Corps of Royal Engineers.
Military Engineers first made their
appearance in South Africa during the Colonial Regime when in
1859 the Governor of the Cape Colony authorised the
establishment of the Cape Engineers (Volunteers), which was
comprised of South Africans and which in 1861 became simply the
Cape Engineers . In 1865, the title was changed to the Cape
Volunteer Engineer Corps, but in 1869, the Corps literally faded
away. Ten years later in 1879, the Corps was resuscitated under
the name Cape Town Volunteer Engineers. These sappers supported
the ground forces during the Frontier Wars and even as far
afield as Basutoland. The tasks they had to carry out were the
normal duties carried out by sappers but by 1895, the sappers
again disappeared from the scene.
It might be of interest to note that
in 1879, the British defeated the Zulus, fresh from their
triumph at Isanalwana, at Rorke's Drift, and that the young
lieutenant in charge, who was awarded the Victoria Cross, was an
Engineer Officer by the name of John Chard. The SA Defence Force
has honoured his memory by creating the awards of the John Chard
Medal and John Chard Decoration, both awarded for long and
efficient service.
In 1910, the Natal Engineer Corps was
formed but ceased to exist in 1913, a year after the passing of
the Defence Act in 1912. Just before the outbreak of World War I
in 1914, the Cape Fortress Engineers were formed to relieve
Imperial Troops occupied on sapper tasks in the fixed defences
of the Cape Peninsula.
Although basically under the control
of the Royal Engineers both in employment and training, the
Engineer Units were composed of South Africans who were gaining
valuable experience both in South West Africa and East Africa as
also during World War I (1914 - 1919), and it was amongst these
men that the seed was sown which has since flowered in the SA
Army Engineer Corps with its superb achievements.
After World War I, all SA Army
Engineer Units with the exception of the permanent Cape Fortress
Engineers were disbanded. The SA Defence Act Amendment of 1922
made provision for a SA Army Engineer Corps among South Africa's
new regular full-time forces, and in 1923 the Permanent Force
element was established. By 1926, authority was granted in the
GC and ACF Regulations for the Citizen Force Engineers. In 1933,
due to the economic depression, the Permanent Force Engineers
were disbanded leaving only the four original SA Army Engineer
Corps Field Units in the ACF and in 1935, this number was
increased to six. In 1938, the post of Staff Officer (Engineers)
was created on the staff of the SA Army Training Section. At the
same time, the number of SA Army Engineer Companies was
increased to nine to serve the nine Infantry Brigades. In 1939,
the post of Staff Officer (Engineers) was upgraded to Assistant
Director of Training (Engineers) and in 1940 to Director of
Engineers at Defence Headquarters. Also in 1939, the Engineer
Training Centre was established at Zonderwater which was part of
the military base established at Premier Mine. In 1949, the
additional Directorates of Works, Fortifications and Coastal
Works had been formed and also in 1949 the Railway & Harbours
Brigade, which had been disbanded after World War I, was
During the period 1940 - 1945, the SA
Army Engineer Corps which had started the war with a strength of
54 officers and 585 sappers, rose to the strength of
approximately 16 000 men belonging to over 70 different
companies or units. In the development of the Corps, three
aspects of military engineering had to be considered and the
obvious sapper groups were the Base, Lines of Communication and
Field or Fighting Groups, each with its own particular tasks but
motivated by the basic requirements of maintaining the mobility
and comfort of the ground forces. Hence, the 70 different units
covered the whole spectrum of military engineering, such as
close support Field Companies and their Field Park Companies,
Road Construction Companies, Railways, Harbours and Tunneling
Companies, Survey Companies, Water Supply and Treatment
Companies, Workshop and Engineer Stores Units and Chemical
Warfare, Bomb Disposal and Camouflage Units, in all, 31
different functions and disciplines.
On 29 December 1944, in recognition
of outstanding achievements by the SA Army Engineer Corps during
World War II, His Majesty King George VI approved the design of
our Corps emblem, a bursting grenade, to be a device of 9 flames
instead of the original seven, and authorised the use of the
motto "Ubique", meaning "Everywhere". This is the same as that
of the Corps of Royal Engineers and has been incorporated in the
cap badge.
With the end of the war in 1945, the
SA Army Engineer Corps disappeared from the military scene, and
only a Junior SA Army Engineer Corps Regular Force Officer was
appointed on the staff of the Director of Military Training.
However, with demobilisation, 16 Field Squadron was resuscitated
to accommodate sappers wishing to remain in the Regular Force.
In 1946, a GSO2 Engineers was appointed with two other Regular
Force Officers and an Engineer Training Wing was established at
what was then the Military College, now the SA Army College. The
two posts were both held by one officer, a most inconvenient
situation, and it was not until 1964 that the post of GSO2
Engineers was filled full-time by a Regular Force Officer. In
1948, the Wing was moved to Potchefstroom, where it became the
Engineer Wing of the SA Army Artillery and SA Army Armour
School. In 1968, it was transferred to Kroonstad as the Engineer
Training Centre and finally in 1969 became the School of
Meanwhile in 1957, the Mobile
Battalion was established, which later in 1959 became the Mobile
Watch, and after going through various changes in 1964
eventually became 1 Composite Construction Regiment and in 1967,
1 Construction Regiment, which was also disbanded in 1968.
In 1969, the Directorate of Engineers
was established at Kroonstad, but in 1972 it was moved to SA
Army Headquarters, Pretoria where it was developed to what it is
In 1968, the 35 Field Park Squadron
was established as a Regular Force Unit and in 1974 was renamed
35 Engineer Support Unit and stationed at Kroonstad. In 1975,
the South West Africa Engineer Support Unit was formed and
stationed at Grootfontein. Also in 1975, arising out of all the
Survey and Printing activities of the Survey and Printing Units
of World War II, the 47 Survey Squadron, a Regular Force Unit,
was formed. This Unit trained all the National Servicemen posted
to it and in turn fed the two DF Survey Units which had been
established - the 46 Survey Squadron at Cape Town in 1959 and
the 45 Survey Squadron at Pietermaritzburg in 1969.
Meanwhile in 1946, the ACF Engineers
were resuscitated and 1 Field Engineer Regiment was formed to be
followed by 2 Field Engineer Regiment. In 1958, 2 Field Engineer
Regiment was disbanded but to meet the demands of the South
African Defence Force, further squadrons were formed. In 1973, 1
Field Engineer Regiment was disbanded and the Squadrons attached
to various formations. With the development of the SA Defence
Force to meet both the internal and external threat, Field
Engineer Units were created to support the new organisations.
In 1962, the Regular Force was formed
and 17 Field Squadron was created to support this force,
stationed in Potchefstroom. However, in 1967 it was moved to
Bethlehem and became a purely training unit. In 1974, it became
the two new squadrons 24 and 25 Field Squadrons as support
squadrons in the operational area of South West Africa.
1 Construction Regiment was
re-established at the end of 1976 at Marievale near Springs,
Gauteng and towards the end of 1977 was tasked with the
construction of the Military Base at Dukuduku on the Natal North
Coast. Subsequently, due to policy changes, its activities were
confined to the operational area, in support of the SA Army,
with great success.
In 1982, the SA Army Engineer
Formation was created with the Directorate of Engineers as its
Headquarters and commanded by the Director of Engineers which
gave the Directorate operational control over most of its
Engineer Units. During this time, control of the School of
Engineers passed to the Director of Training, so did all Corps
In 1983, ministerial authority was
obtained for the conversion of all Field Squadrons, normally
attached to the conventional forces, to Field Engineer
Regiments, each comprising a headquarters, 2 field squadrons and
a support squadron. Each squadron has 3 troops. This did not
affect Engineer Squadrons attached to the territorial commands
for counter-insurgency operations.
The Post War SA Army Engineer Corps - Operational
The main functions of the Sapper are
to ensure the mobility of the fighting men both in the advance
and retreat, to make life as secure and comfortable as possible
for them, in order to maintain their morale and hence their
fighting ability, and whose duties often go far beyond that
which is expected from the normal field engineer. In addition,
he must possess enough initiative, experience and imagination to
deny these necessities of modern warfare to the enemy. It is
therefore obvious why we are proud of our famous motto, "First
In and Last Out". First in to enable the ground forces to move
forward and last out to delay or prevent the enemy from moving
and harassing our retreating forces.
To do this, the Sapper must know all
the arts and functions of the Corps which have been included in
the Training Manual of the SA Army Engineer Corps.
Prior to the institution of what is
now known as "border duties" in the 1970's the combined engineer
capabilities represented by the School of Engineers, Mobile
Watch, Construction Regiment, Engineer Units and 17 Field
Squadron, the Squadron attached to the Regular Force, carried
out numerous sapper tasks as set out below:
The building of a 180 m double story/single story floating
bridge across the Vaal River to relieve the traffic crossing
the Barrage Bridge while alterations and repair work was
The building of a reinforced concrete access bridge from the
town of Middelburg to the Military Base, and also one giving
access to the training area.
The building of a double/single bailey bridge across the
Ngebele River in the Northern Transvaal.
The building of a triple/double bailey bridge over the
Umzinto River on the Natal South Coast after the original
bridge had been washed away.
The construction of airfields at Pietermartizburg, Nkuze,
Jan Kempdorp and Pietermaritzburg.
The building of classification ranges at Messina, Walvis Bay
and Bellville.
The building of miniature ranges at Potchefstroom, Ladysmith
and Lenz.
The temporary repair to the Nahoon Bridge at East London
pending repairs, by the erection of a 50 m double/single
bailey bridge.
The demolition of a 200 m reinforced concrete road bridge
across the Pongola River.
During Exercise Kwiksilver, the erection of a 110m
triple/single bailey bridge on unifloat piers across the
Vaal River.
The demolition, as a training exercise, of a 370 m Bethulie
railway bridge over the Orange River.
Operation CHETTO, which was the building of a gravel road of
approximately 160 km running east-west through the Caprivi.
The building of a Military Base at Dukuduku on the Natal
North Coast.
The erection of military security fences throughout the
Republic of South Africa.
The dismantling and re-erection of six Bellman Hangars
throughout the Republic of South Africa and South West
Africa for use by the SA Defence Force.
In the fulfillment of their border
duties, their tasks comprised mainly mine warfare, with all its
various forms and challenges, the erection of undercover
accommodation to make the life of the soldier serving in the
operational area more comfortable and hygienic, and as always,
the compilation of various maps, and the siting of beacons by
the survey companies, to assist the ground forces in their task.
As far as mine warfare is concerned,
it is recorded that during 1980/81 the
Sappers cleared an average road distance of 19 600 km per month,
which represents a distance of ten times that between Beit
Bridge and Cape Town, thus ensuring the mobility of the ground
forces. A total of 330 mines were detected and removed during
this period, which is equal to 1848 kg of explosives, which is
sufficient, with efficient planning, to destroy Beit Bridge.
In the field of construction,
undercover accommodation, including living quarters, stores
messes, ablution and toilet blocks and defensive positions, were
erected during 1982 to a total area of 101 104 m•, which is
equal to the total area of 17 rugby fields. It is interesting to
note that on one rugby field 250 x 4,9m x 4,9m tents can be
erected, which gives a total tentage on 17 rugby fields of 4
In the field of survey and mapping 46
Survey Squadron has since 1980 extended the primary and
secondary trigonometrical beacon system of the Northern and
Eastern Transvaal and at the same time updated • 90 x 1:50 000
scale maps • the area covered being approximately •65 000km•
(four times that of the area of Swaziland). At the same time, 45
Survey Squadron completed •460 x 1:10 000 orthophoto maps of
Northern Natal from Josini to Pongola, covering a surface area
•17 000 km•, approximately the size of Swaziland. The number of
maps which 47 Survey Squadron completed or reviewed in 1981,
covers a surface area of 40 000km•, approximately the size of
It is fitting to record at this
stage, that during Operation Savannah, the mobility of the
advancing forces was so impeded by a fairly fast flowing river,
that the sappers had to erect an improvised bridge under enemy
fire, and which is now known as the famous Bridge 14.
In 1982 the Chief of the Army decided
to establish the SA Amy Engineer Formation, with the Director of
Engineers as the Officer Commanding, and which would give him
increased functional and operational control over the whole of
the SA Army Engineer Corps. Accordingly, on 26 November 1982,
the Chief of the Army, Lieutenant General J.J. Geldenhuys SSA,
SD, SM presented the written authority to the Director of
Engineers which reads as under-mentioned:
SA Army Engineer
"In the light of the above, this
Command Directive is issued to you, in the knowledge that you
have an important contribution to make in the creation of a more
dynamic SA Army•.
The efforts of the modern sapper,
after years of hard and rigorous training, and a
wealth of practical experience, was awarded to the SA Engineer
Corps on 15 December 1982, again by the Chief of the Army,
Lieutenant General J.J. Geldenhuys SSA, SD, SM, whose
commendation reads as follows:
Commendations for
Members of the SA Army Engineer Corps Involved in Mine Warfare
"The SA Army Engineer Corps has
delivered service of a high order during operations, and
particularly in the sphere of mine warfare. Their contribution
to the maintenance of mobility of our own forces is exceptional
and praiseworthy. Mines have been located and rendered safe by
continuous action conducted on foot under trying conditions and
often under enemy fire. In the process of locating mines and the
rendering safe thereof, Field Engineers are continuously exposed
to perilous conditions under which they display a high degree of
bravery, perseverance, teamwork, spirit and dogged refusal to
accept that trying conditions and fear of mortal danger cannot
be overcome. For this particular quality of the will to win on
behalf of the leader element and on their own terrain I commend
the SA Army Engineer Corps.•
In modern warfare, the Sapper has to
adapt himself to the manner in which the campaigns are fought
and to the demands which are made on the Corps by the ground
fighting troops. Hence the SA Army Engineer Corps in World War
II grew from small beginnings comprising 9 field companies to a
total of approximately 70 units exercising a total of 31
different functions and disciplines with a total manpower of 16
000 men. Apart from the fighting elements, there were units
dealing with all aspects of water supply and treatment, road
construction and maintenance of railways and harbours,
tunnelling, survey, engineer stores units, chemical warfare,
bomb disposal, camouflage, forestry and geological survey to
mention the main elements. Many of these were provided from
various provincial and government departments, from the Mining
Industry and from private enterprise.
In the process of adaptation you will
see that the Sapper not only has to make use of the natural
human resources, he often has to possess the expertise to
improve on existing equipment, such as bailey bridge equipment,
and he also has to improvise in the many strange circumstances
he finds himself. So a good Sapper must be skilled, well-trained
and flexible in his solution to a problem, always bearing in
mind the mobility of the fighting man and his comfort and
This adaptation is not only concerned
with the strategy of war but must also contend with the weather
and natural conditions wherever a campaign is launched. For
instance, during World War II, there were four theatres of war.
In East Africa, the sapper had to contend with arid, lava
covered areas in the South which made communications difficult
and in the North with rain and monsoons which meant flooded
areas and swollen rivers. In North Africa, it was the desert
with its hot, dry Khamsin winds with the subsequent dust storms
which made visibility nil and of course the problems of water
supply. In Italy, it was the mountainous nature of the country
with its innumerable rivers and extreme winters and summers.
Fighting along the length of the country made it easy for the
enemy, by means of demolitions and minefields, to hinder our
advance. In the Levant, it was somewhat similar to the desert,
but the main task was clearing blocked tunnels to restore rail
communications and in Madagascar, a very undeveloped country, a
Field Company together with elements of a Field Park Company,
supported the SA Brigade and its main task was construction of
road communications and the replacement of bridges destroyed by
the enemy.
In conclusion, I would say that to
fulfill his responsibilities to his fellow fighting men, the
Sapper has not only to possess the necessary expertise, but a
sense of adaptability, an ability to improvise and a dogged
determination to overcome his problems and so satisfy his will
to win.
Why Sappers
The name •Sapper• was derived from
the •Sap• a zig-zag trench developed in the late 17th and early
18th centuries in Europe designed to give continuous cover to
troops advancing on enemy fortifications.
"Sappers• were selected from the
ranks for their physical and mental attributes and skill in the
construction of these earthworks.
Briefly, a •Sap• started from a
trench running parallel to the area of the proposed
break-through, but out of musketry range of the opposing
stronghold. The zig-zag design gave protection to the
successively exposed flanks of the •Sap• as it advanced towards
the objective. The diagram is considerably simplified for
clarity and is not to scale. In practice, the layout of the
•Saps• was far more complicated, depending on the terrain and
the plan of the defences under attack.
Each Sap was developed by a team of
four Sappers. No 1 pushed ahead a •Sap Roller• or •Stuffed
Gabion• (a cylindrical structure made of wooden stakes and
wickerwork, filled with faggots and branches, about four feet in
diameter and three feet high) on the flank facing the enemy.
Thus protected, he dug a shallow trench toward, filling the
vertical •gabions• with excavated soil. Gaps between filled
•Gambions• were plugged with small sandbags.
Gabions were constructed by setting
up stakes vertically in a circle in the ground and binding them
into hollow cylinders with wickerwork. Instead of the •Sap
Roller•, a wheeled timer screen, called a •Mantlet•, was
sometimes used by Sapper No 1.
Sappers 2, 3 and 4 followed, each in
turn deepening and widening the trench, and laid •Fascines• •
bundles of branches and sticks nine inches thick and up to
twelve or more feet long • on top of the line of vertical
gabions to raise the height of the protective wall. The rubble
from these subsequent excavations was thrown over the top of the
wall to provide extra strength in the form of an earthen parapet
or rampart.
Later, the trench was deepened and
widened still further to allow artillery, etc to be brought
forward. This procedure was continued until a sheltered approach
was advanced close enough to the objective to enable mining and
other means of assault to effect a breach into the fortified
Since those days, Sappers have
undertaken an impressive number of varied and vital jobs, from
water supply to mine-lifting plus scores of other essential
activities as indicated above.